All the California wines on the website are stored in our warehouse in Dolni Brezany, Czech Republic. All of them are also properly customs cleared to European Union market.
All orders are shipped from our warehouse in Dolni Brezany, Czech Republic (CZ, European Union). We use mainly DHL for shipments all around Europe. On some markets is possible to pick your local provider or UPS. You can check everything during checkout process before payment.
If you are looking for a shipping rate - just put wines to your cart, go to the cart, mark the final destination country and you will automatically see your shipping rate. Generally really friendly pricing. For orders with a value of goods over €250 we ship for free by DHL within continental Europe (EU), Mallorca, Switzerland and UK.
EU - European Union + Monaco
- we ship by DHL, UPS or your local delivering companies (for example Hermes or DeutschePost in Germany)
- we ship everything customs cleared, including VAT - your purchasing price is FINAL price
- for orders with a value of goods over €250 we send the package with FREE postage via DHL or local delivery company or over €600 free by UPS.
- When ordering goods over CZK 1500, they are sent FREE to the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
CH - Switzerland - we will handle all the import administration for you, all that is left for you to do is order the wines and receive the package with them :-)
- we ship via DHL
- - for orders with a value of goods over €250 we pay everything via DHL
- we collect all duties and taxes during the purchase process (you can see them in the cart) and we handle the customs clearance completely for you. This process has the great advantage that you don't deal with any of the paperwork associated with importing. You just place your order with us easily and then the package is delivered to you straight away. We handle all the paperwork for you and all customs fees, taxes and duties are paid for you. With this we guarantee that the price you pay in the cart, on our site, is the final price, you will not be charged any additional payments when you receive your package.
UK - UK - we will handle all the import administration for you, all that is left for you to do is order the wines and receive the package with them :-)
- we ship via DHL
- for orders with a value of goods over €250 (or £210) we pay everything via DHL
- we collect all duties and taxes during the purchase process (you can see them in the cart) and we handle the customs clearance completely for you. This process has the great advantage that you don't deal with any of the paperwork associated with importing. You just place your order with us easily and then the package is delivered to you straight away. We handle all the paperwork for you and all customs fees, taxes and duties are paid for you. With this we guarantee that the price you pay in the cart, on our site, is the final price, you will not be charged any additional payments when you receive your package.
NOR - Norway
- we ship by DHL
- we ship everything with 0% VAT and without paying any duties BUT it is super easy to process everything. When you receive your package, you have to pay your local VAT (25%) and a small payment for customs clearance provided by DHL. Generally please count around 30% (VAT + customs clearance).
- all orders over €250 for free by DHL
USA - United States of America
- unfortunately we can not ship to US right now, we are sorry
- BUT we are pretty great partner if you are from US and want to send a present to your friend in Europe
- just put everything to your cart, fill in your US address as billing address and mark "ship to another address" and fill in receiver´s delivery information. Please do not forget to write there phone and email address of the receiver
- feel free to let us write in any message or note!
For more information How to shop with us, please click here.