Favia Wines
The Favia Wines winery has a very rich history. The location of the winery itself is unique. At the foot of the Vaca Mountains in the Coombsville area in the southeastern part of the Napa Valley, where there is volcanic bedrock and where the Carbone family of Italian immigrants settled in the late 19th century.
Annie Favia and Andy Erickson founded Favia Wines back in 2003. Both have experience from legendary wineries such as Abreau, Screaming Eagle, Ovid and Dalla Valle. As such, Coombsville became their home about a decade ago, when their land was primarily used for fruit and food production.
When the opportunity eventually presented itself to acquire the original Carbone family homestead, they didn't hesitate. They converted the entire property into a new home and the headquarters of their winery.
The unique story of both the winery and their owners and the unique wines of Coombsville.